Monday, August 27, 2012

Never worry, cause you have him.

This is one of the night that i can't sleep because my thoughts. I honestly so excited that I'm a senior and for sure I will graduate next year, one thought that always holding me back is what if I don't get accepted to the school that i want to? What if I'm not smart enough to get into a good school? What if…. and what if. I know for a fact that I'm not a 4.0 student, and for sure I'm not the smartest girl in my school. Sure I took Honors classes last year, and Im taking some AP and Honor class this year but I know that will NEVER guarantee that I will get accepted into the school that I want to. I aways ask myself why do i have such a big dream to get into a school that have a name? WHY? Why can't i be one of those student who thinks that its okay if I just go to some random school? Why can't i be one of them so I don't have to work my butt off to get an A in every single subject I'm taking. I'm surely not an A student, I have a good grades and an average GPA. My GPA is average 3.47, for some people having a 3.0 GPA is good enough, but not for me. Why? because i know all the school that I have in mind rarely accept a student who have average GPA. I know not all of the school just look at your grades, and they also see how active you're in school but I know I barely involve in any club in school. When I was a sophomore I'm so confident that I will get into the school that I want to, but now? I'm not even sure. Do you want to know why I worry so much? it all started in registration day, and I came to see my counselor. After had a talk about all my classes, suddenly she asks me "uhm.. do you know which school do you want to go high school?" with a confident I said "cornell university". She looked at me with a worry face and replied "Cornell? The one in NY?" and I nod. "What's your GPA again, hun?" I told her my GPA is 3.47. Suddenly she become quiet and look at me for a second, and she said "do you know that 3.47 is not high enough to get into that school? I mean, it's a good school, but I don't think 3.47 is high enough." This time I'm the one who became quiet. I have nothing to say, because what she said its true. In other word she's saying that I'm not smart enough to go to that school. Honestly, after she said that all my hopes from 100% down to below 0.  After that day,  all I can think of is what she said "3.47 is not HIGH enough to go to that school".

Until one day, I went to church on sunday as usual, but that day my favorite pastor from Indonesia come to California for my uncle's church birthday. As I listen to him, suddenly he say "Tuhan tidak akan mengecewakan anak anaknya, dia tidak akan membawa kamu sejauh ini hanya untuk di kecewakan. Mungkin buat orang orang itu mustahil, tapi tidak buat tuhan Yesus, Nothing is impossible in HIS name." After he said that all of a sudden I feel like there is hope for me. He brought me this far, so I know He has a great plan for me. He will NEVER ever disappoint me. I know for a fact that only HE can get me into that school. No matter how hard I try without his help it will never happen. Since that day I always say to myself  "pray, ask for his help cause without his help that will never happen, and never worry about how you gonna pay for college cause He already prepare everything for you. Just try hard, never give up, pray and let him worry about the rest"

I will never let anyone tell me that I'm not good enough to go to school that I want to, I will never let anyone crush my dream, and I will never let myself give up on my dreams. I'm HIS daughter, and a father will never disappoint his daughter. I always keep that in my mind. Soon, I will see what is his plan for me, and I know whatever his plan is, he has the best one for me :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

S-U-M-M-E-R 12! ;D

Hi readers! (:

I havent posted anything since january 2012. I can't believe that I'm done with my Junior year, and on the last rally of the year they declare us, class of 2013 as a SENIOR! I'm so damn happy and I can't wait to graduate. I passed both my entrance exit exam [CAHSEE] math & english with a pretty good score, so I'm good to graduate, I just need to keep up my good work, and maintain my GPA. Oh oh oh and I passed my H-Alegbra 2 with a B-. I know it's a B- not an A but compare to last year, I did better this year ;D

I'm proud of myself for what I accomplished. I was kinda disappointed cause Im 2% away to passed my Physic with an A, but It's okay. Next year I have to work hard and graduate with 4.0 GPA. Just wish me luck. 

I'm done with you school, see ya in 3 month! 


Have an awesome, safe, crazy, and unforgettable summer 
