Thursday, June 7, 2012

S-U-M-M-E-R 12! ;D

Hi readers! (:

I havent posted anything since january 2012. I can't believe that I'm done with my Junior year, and on the last rally of the year they declare us, class of 2013 as a SENIOR! I'm so damn happy and I can't wait to graduate. I passed both my entrance exit exam [CAHSEE] math & english with a pretty good score, so I'm good to graduate, I just need to keep up my good work, and maintain my GPA. Oh oh oh and I passed my H-Alegbra 2 with a B-. I know it's a B- not an A but compare to last year, I did better this year ;D

I'm proud of myself for what I accomplished. I was kinda disappointed cause Im 2% away to passed my Physic with an A, but It's okay. Next year I have to work hard and graduate with 4.0 GPA. Just wish me luck. 

I'm done with you school, see ya in 3 month! 


Have an awesome, safe, crazy, and unforgettable summer 
