Friday, May 3, 2013

A couple days a go i reached the climax where I cant help it but all i can do was crying all night, literally until my eyes looks like a giant puff in the morning. I kinda feel like there is no hope, and all i can see is a dead end. I feel so stupid for every sec when I questioned where is Jesus at a time like this. At that moment i questioned everything, and I feel so stupid that i felt that way. That night was the worst day of my life. All my mom said to me was "pray & dont forget to read the bible. He'll answer your prayer" at that time I cant even say any prayer, all I did was staring at the ceiling for hours and crying. Aroubd 3 in the morning I decided to pray, and i simply said "all i have right now is my faith, i believe you will never leave me alone" and I slept. Cant really say whats my problem is but yeah... I didnt go to school simply because i havent slept all night and I look like i just punch in the eyes. When I woke up the next day I dont feel any difference, not yet. Through out the day I tried to come up with solution, and at one point I kinda have a solution for my problem. It might works, MIGHT works. I honestly cant stop thinking about it, even at school. So, just a couple min a go when I was about to sleep I remember I havent prayed yet, so I did. I said the same things "you brought me this far, I know you will give me the best solution, and all I have is my faith. Maybe I have too much faith, but the only thing that keep me going is my faith" and then I remember how my mom always tell me to read the bible every night, even just one verse every night. So after I pray, i open my bible in my phone. In my bible app they have "verse of the day" and then it shock me how the verse of the day is some sign that I need. The verse says "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened" (Matthew 7:7, 8)

After I read the verses i honestly feel stronger than before. I know he listens to my prayer, he always does. He might not answer it right away but he will answer it in a right time. In his time. I feel much better right now, I feel so calm. I know he will never leave me in the middle of the journey, he brought me this far and I know this just a small bump in my road to success, he just wants to see how faithful I am to him and he wants to see how far i will stay through a hard times like this one. He is The only God, the only way. I believe he already have something amazing for me! He will never let me down, he always gives the best to his children.

Good night (:

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