Thursday, January 3, 2013

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Happy new year to all of you out there! (: 

to class of 2013, THIS IS OUR YEAR! 

Hello folks! I know I haven't been here since a long time a go. I don't really have time to post something here, or let just say I am lazy haha. So yeah, This is a new year. I hope this year is a better year for me, 2012 was good enough. I went to the deepest black hole in the end of 2012, but then I got back on my feet and I actually survive. I don't really do any resolution, but I do have a bucket list this year. I don't know it just sound a lot of fun. I have a couple things I want to achieve thou this year, but I don't like to call it resolution, lets just call it my  list. I'm gonna share some of them.

My List

1. Graduate High School

2. Loose Weight

3. More active at church.

3. Spend more time with my family.

4. Drink more water, and less soda.

5. More focus at school.

6. Get a job.

7. Do insanity at least once a month (Heyyy thats not bad for a lazy ass right? :p)

I think 7 list is not too much to ask for right? Anyway let me tell you How was my new year. The original plan was go to church service then go to a kickback with Fidelia, but turn out the church service done at 12;30 and Fidelia said people start to go home, so we didn't end up go to the KB, and I stay at my pastor's house. We did BBQ, and i was at food comma. It was chill and fun. I was happy because i actually spend new year with my parents because I believe that next year will be different, and I might not spend new year with them since I am going away for college, or idk i said I MIGHT. My new year was chill, and we go to rose parade actually.


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