Sunday, April 21, 2013

No title.

You held my hand really tight.
was it because you want to show everyone that you can or because you really have a real feeling for me?
You saved me a seat next to you every time we go out to eat with our friends
was it because you want to be close to me?
You kissed me in front of everyone.
was it because you love me or was it just to show everyone that you can?
You hug me really tight, and you told me you love me.
was it real or it was just another lie you told me?

sometimes I ask myself, what would happen if I say yes when you asked me out the first time?
What could have gone differently or is it just gonna last a few weeks like all your relationship with other women?

You treated me like I was the one, like I'm the only girl but you always end up with other girls.
In the end you always come back to me when it doesn't work out with them.

honestly, out of all guy that I ever close with, you are the only one who have the nerve in front of everyone to do such a thing. 
You were never afraid to say you love me, or kiss me in front of everyone.
You treated me the way I always wanted to be treated by a guy. 
but again, was it real?

When you told me you love me through the phone, I was just froze and I couldn't say anything.
I was thinking about it.
At one point I want to give it a try.
I was about to tell you how I feel the next day, but you ruined it.
You know what you did.
My heart skipped a beat. I can't believe you did that. 
Was it that easy for you to move on to the next girl or was it a payback for what I said to "that guy"?
Maybe we both messed it up pretty bad that day.

Its like every time I'm sure about how I feel about you, you always ruin it.
Why do you have to go after another girl when I'm sure about my feelings?
Maybe it wasn't meant to be.

I'm pretty sure all the things you told me was a lie.
why? because you never actually make an effort to talk to me again.
Is it because distance, or is it because you've never actually had a real feeling for me?

Whatever it is, I don't care.
I miss you, I do.
but you're just a memory, a good one but also the bad one.

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