Monday, April 22, 2013

So, since i don't have school tomorrow I decided to stay up late and talk to some of my old pal back in Indo. I miss them. Fuuhhh I'm homesick *sad face*
Actually I can't sleep not just because I'm homesick more like Im homesick and I have a lot of things in my mind. I prefer talk to my blog rather than people about my problem, simply because no one really read my blog and my blog is actually rely helpful to make me feel better. A night like this make me wanna swallow some clorox. lol just kidding. So, as you know It's almost my birthday *YEAAAY* and its almost time for me to get out of high school too *YEAY AGAIN*. My birthday is literally in 3 days, and my graduation is in 29 days. Woooh I'm too excited! hookah bar it is on the 26th! lol. talking about graduation, I'm happy finally I can get out of high school but the only part that I don't like is the fact that I have to decide where I'm gonna go for college. The deadline is on may 1st and I'm still clueless where I'm gonna go. HEEEELP. First I knew I kinda wanna go to Univ of Hartford but then they don't give me any financial aid or any kind of loan, this is sad. Oh well… -_- actually, I'm still waiting for decision from other school. I kinda want to go to Hofstra Univ or Philadelphia Univ but I'm not even sure I'm gonna get accepted there *finger crossed* This is so frustrating.

This is kinda random but have you ever miss someone so bad that you just want to take a shot as much as you can until you can't even feel anything? yeah that's what I'm feeling right now. it sucks. Yea I know I can just start a conversation with this person but I don't want to. Why? because I haven't talk to this person in years, and the fact that this person never try to hmu then why should I? ya feel me? Fuhhh I hate my life right now.

can someone like tell this person that I miss him? 

I don't know why I stay tuned on Bruno Mars' station at pandora, this station makes me 10,000x even sadder than before. I hate you pandora. Its just like a matter of second I'm gonna start crying. I better go to sleep now.

G night yall :)

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