Thursday, April 25, 2013

I'm not lucky but I'm blessed!

I feel extremely blessed this week. Even though i feel so weak this week, but this blessing really keep me strong. First I got a letter from Baldwin Wallace University. I didnt think i would get accepted there but I was shock when i see the letter in it. Then I read the next paper, and it shocked me completely in a good way. I have never thought, not even a bit that they give me a scholarship, and they give me $15000 scholarship. I was really happy. I feel like this scholarship really pushing me to finish school strong, and never give up. I am very thankful for this blessing. Sometimes I feel like i dont deserve any of this.

Then, earlier today during 6th period I was checking my email, and when I see one email from Northern Arizona University, when i open it I see the congratulation word on it. It really made my day, why? Because i actually got accepted into another school. It was really a blessing.

It doesnt stop just right there, a couple days a go i received a letter from my school, and it says that I invited to senior awards night. The first thing that came up to my mind was "Award? For what?" So i decided to go, and i was clueless on what award i was receiving. When i got to school They gave me like a paper on who get what award, and I saw my name on the list "MHS guidance counselor scholarship" I was like "WHAT??" And then the event start and after a couple awards goes by, my counselor got into the podium and called me to get up to the stage to receive the award, and she was saying all the nice thing about me. She said "Larasati came to us from Indonesia, and she is a hard working student, and she never give up on everything she does" I was overwhelming and happy. Oh anyway I got $300 scholarship. I've been struggling to come up with the money for my college deposit, and most of them are either $200 or $300 and I was like "if there is any way I can come up with the money and I don't have to make my dad pay for it that would be great" and I've been praying a lot about it, and God seriously work in a mysterious and amazing way, and by this scholarship now i don't have to worry about the money for the deposit money.

A couple days a go I was at facebook looking through an old picture, and then I saw this quote on my timeline, it says "when we pray, God hears more than we say, answers more than we ask and give more than what we can imagine... In His on time and in His own way" and now I can say that it is true, with all the blessing he has given to me this week it proves that all the words on that quote is true.

My birthday week has been full of blessing, and I believe He has more for me in the future. God is good, even too good sometimes <3 font="" nbsp="">

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