Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Wonderful Life!

Hallo people on the earth! how's everything? I miss Indonesia so bad :-( i miss every part of Jakarta, and especially.....My awesome GUYS and BITCHES!!!

hmm... lemme share some stories about my wonderful life here! there's a lot of stories so im little bit confused from which part i should tell you guys readers!

okay lemme start from Someone, uhmm lets call him
HOT STUFF :-P do you guys know him? aha of course not cause i haven't tell who's him, but im not gonna tell :p
i know him since hmm 3 weeks a go, the first time i meet him it was when me, ka sandra, ka sammy, Daniel, Arthur, David, Ka christian, Ka merry, My dad, My mom, and Om herry went to Church activity at alum creek. Daniel introduce his friends there there's Athan, Timmy, Daniel, Yoni, and Erick (well i already know erick before). They were playing Soccer, and my eyes stuck on one of them. idk why, there's nothing on him special made me interested with him but something that idk how to explain made my eyes can't stop looking at him. but well he's not that nice to me, he just say "oh hey" like that-_-
to make it more simple, I got crush on him and now i like him! every time he play the guitar on church session, I cant take my eyes off from him X.X but he's so quiet and so calm.
By the time I cant hold it no more longer..........and I told Daniel that i like him and he was shocked. But he said "hm.. it's okay. dan kalo lo sama dia gue bakalan tenang pas gue pindah lo dijagain sama orang yang baik". Till now I never ever have a long conversation with him, even short conversation I never ever have. i haven't add his Facebook, i never say "Hello!" cause im too afraid to do that.
till one day.... He came to my house (well probably its Daniel's my cousins house) and idk what he did on that day. Daniel came to my room and he asked me to go out side at meet him, but i said BIG NO! (bisa bayangin org yg lo suka ada di satu tempat dimana lo berada dan lo harus ketemu dia???? itu gila bisa mati mendadak gue *lebay)
My heart beat faster and faster.......till "braaaak" someone opened my door and CAN YOU GUESS WHO IS THAT??????
HOT STUFF DID IT!!!! i was like "huh?" and my my cheeck become RED! ahahaha so embarrassed you knoh!!!!! He smile at me and say "Hey". I CAN'T BREATH DUDE! HAHAHA. after that he went home, and I smile a long the night :p OH MY GAY! I shocked ninggah!
After he went home.....
Daniel "sell he asked me about you"
Me "me????"
Daniel "yap, he asked me why didn't you come to Tante vera's house"
Me "and then?"
Daniel " i told him, you feel so tired cause you're fasting today"
Me "oh......*blushing*"
and it happened Wednesday 18 august 2010. me and Daniel had a long conversation about many things while we're *******. and yeah as usual i was talking about Hot Stuff. He said many things what should i do, but none of them i can do, Im too afraid-_-
After we Finished, we went to up stairs and i set beside him while he talking with Athan, and teng teng tereeeeeng........he had conversation with Hot stuff too. Daniel asked him about "his white girl" and he said "i haven't make move yet", Daniel told Him to find asian girl and he said "I think so" HAHA *.* Daniel asked him what about sella, and he said
"she already have a boyfriend Dan" WTF!? I'm single! I think he misunderstanding with what i said before. But at least Daniel will help me to make him mine :-P

Okay Done with 1st topic "HOT STUFF" now continue to the 2nd one, "SCHOOL". This is 6 words that can make me crazy like hell!!! Okay yesterday I went to My new school, Canal Winchester High School. I meet my counselor Ms.Philp. She's so nice, and She's Daniel's counselor too last year. She's very welcome. She asked me a few question, because I havent sleep well yet........I'M NOT FOCUS and every time she asked me i was like "oh yes" "yap" "nope" She gave me Mathematics course "Trigonometric" for A WHOLE YEAR O.O can you imagine A WHOLE YEAR with trigonometric? gah its killing me X.X
and she gave me tutoring to help me understand all. yea honestly I'm so freakin nervous for this time, cause its the first time for me. But yea She give me ART CLASS!! wohooow \m/ well that's nice :3
One thing made me nervous.......When i was walking to Ms.Philp's room there's so many people there and they were looking at me. and I'm not comfort with that. like Im the one Indonesian people who will school there, and Im scared :(
I wish I will get new friend(s) sooner. at least please be nice to me bule and black people-.-
School will start at 25 August and
I'M SCARED :-( this Monday i'll go to school AGAIN to meet my class teacher and take English test to know i will in which level. I feel like wanna cry now, I cant imagine whats going on my first day of school. it will be worst or it will be awesome? we will know later......

I really want iPhone so bad, and i want my daddy bring my phone to AT&T soon! It's hard life without phone. i wish i will get it soon :P
Okay this is the end of my story telling today! i'll tell you guys later :-D

With Love and Kisses, Chrisella

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